Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Beats by Dre Electroplating live of placeThe ca

Jealous huge sum of guerdon in have no thing, resolutely went river's city, that dog not to move bowels, small workshop utility room listenned to have never heard before, lo this power, ten had 89 is have already intended to play dessert to jump with everyone.
But another two tycoons, who belong to the same river's city,s are a few friendly big heads, after beat to bother an elder brother to arrive 《east sky 》 , the whole industry because the this guy strange behavior was all collectively constipated, a lot of IECs making pretty much want to die this half year and intend to get into that game no matter, that call one skate over thin ice surprised courage Zhan and weighed the whole game again deliberation, study and study, even in game appear some slight commotion or authorities to change a version each time, will result in a very and quick dismay, quickly spread each big utility room, stand together to engrave be doubted dive of bother the elder brother is in the body.
The cow fork been stared at by numerous eyes hardly realizing person bother the elder brother wear a woebegone expression the problem for cutting and polishing at present, root and game some connections all have no.
"…Have several greatly darned problems now:
A, I must think a way repair this what'matrix super core';【PS:how fix, use what material fix, temporarily don't know. 】
Two, because this'matrix super core'ascend mine'body', cause my body's canning not bear, also leave for 280 days …there are still for 279 days now,Beats by Dre BMW, have to strengthen my physical endowment, or acquire secretary's say of what energy body, spirit body, outside hang a mold piece.
1, spirit body:Like the mankind'soul'of the thing of type, acquire demand to be located in its neighborhood 3 seconds after the death.Kill people impossible, slowly wait too elusive, time isn't enough, veto!
2, energy body:Secretary says to is a nature energy, that was the trifle like the breeze fire thunder and lightning, petroleum, don't say how to absorb and store, the price is affirmative high, have no money!Veto!
3, outside hang a mold piece:According to predicting currently, 50,000 first wives place then four machine work stations to convert into a cake of and outside hang a mold piece, can undertake 0.001% of body pressure, is also need 100,000 pieces and outside hang a mold piece, so as to completely undertake the pressure of my body, the first step presumably needs 5,000,000,000 … completely at sea, and just temporary act for pressure, not cancellation, but advantage each time acquire a cake of outside and hang mold pieces can undertake 0.001% pressures, prolong super load spillage of my body and cause from here time of breakup, can consider gradually carry on.
4, the food repair:In great quantities take a meal to pass a secretary convert for the living creature ability, can strengthen my physical endowment, is also say, my body is more strong, more big to the resistibility of pressure, H'm …although increase each time of little, somehow repair 1:00 is 1:00, the health condition well also has an advantage to oneself, this comes to say to is the best project currently!H'm H'm, wait bottom and then draw up recipe and sport plan, can with outside hang a mold piece together carry on."
Part the Di whisper soliloquizing of Gu, simultaneously in the text on the computer originally won to write down mostly of plan form, this is numb habit for working Fan, after mostly tidying up a successful in career clue, wanting to think should have no what lack to leak, then ask:"Secretary comes out!Give I under the explanation, how repair matrix super core?"
The secretary is just the assistance procedure of thinking body, although declare to is intellective, doesn't clearly can have much Gao, from the circumstance that it never made a noise on one's own initiative to see, this guy should still don't outrun the category of procedure and belong to a passive product, this is also why own clearly small life is still controled this guy hand up, tingles Fan dare loudly appeal to the public to it small call of reason.
"The complete repair matrix super core essence hardware needs in great quantities rare material and includes a great deal of mineral and trace element among them, totally 289,770,000 remaining grows, among them current planet up have already scanned to exist 80,000,07= kinds ……"
"Good!Shut up!"The numb Fan is very simply and neat on jilting a mouse to strike off Article 1, task is not likely to carry out, stay to looking at vexed heart also, a listen to the trace element know which trifles rarely seen, rarely seen represent expensive, don't say on the earth only have among them of more than 80,000,000 kind, even amount of none of odd changes arrive, we the Earth person did this just just step on the moon, he didn't think on the earth have no of the big heads all concentrate on the moon, according to it says of need to be measured, be chew the whole moons all estimate also not enough.

Chapter 8015 stare a gold just
"Is alas!"Sighed tone, tingled Fan uprising to draw back door, result detection outside incredibly a person all have no, stared blankly for a while, become angry of roared 1:"Did the persons all die that to go?"
Immediately in the stairs from the third floor work outside in the door connect roll to take to climb of came in a heap of person, frightened of looking at a noodles expressionless trouble elder brother, face hair follicle collectively disorder, with tied the water polo of sieve eye go toward outside fountain, an in the mind seven ascend the keeping of eight times whisper:"Have been already finished finishing!Have never seen bother an elder brother to deliver so big fire, this time dead settle!"
Is muddle-headed to change direction of follow a group of domestic animals together run an incoming logistic girl be bothered once the similar look in the eyes of elder brother's wolf stare, immediately and wet, wet this time that not say.
From beat last night ascend quilt ascend after death, hemp Fan of eyes miracle sort not near sight, and originally ordinary have no strange face type also because being this double of was suddenly pure and matchless, bright must stab the light Leng that the violent wind in the double eyes of eye projected four shoot relentless a look in the eyes, but become and particularly has flavor, the beard residue of decadent untidy image, untidy hair and sob even all become natural and unrestrained unruly set off.
A thoroughly modern era three the standing alone swordsman wandering about with discarding an otaku and making are general, the sharp point finishes a dew, very is one parties treasure edge of sword from whet the Xiao murderous look of Li interest, match with the identity that he bothers an elder brother, anti- pour and allow people to feel him one-time low-key and decadent is to isn't an intentional absolute being soldier and hide box, this is different and take that old black frame glasses, the whole personal pressing drive, be like automatically release of sword blade the storm is similar, the person of the Shua Shua paring of Shua doesn't dare and lift up head with his look in the eyes to see.
Swept an eye chillily tide again again wet public, tingle Fan to take out a bank card and own room key, throw to be pushed by many domestic animals crowded the Sang arrive the most anterior cold sweat elder brother, way:"Know I live of place?The card is airtight 666666, buy some foods to send over there for me at the supermarkets."
Bank card and key been suddenly thrown to come over frighten of almost wet on the spot of cold sweat elder brother, fluster of answer, stammer way:"Numb hemp hemp hemp hempVexed elder brother,You you you you youWantBuyWhat?Buy how much?"
The numb Fan that just prepared to turn round into a house grinds to a stop for a while, the noodles is expressionless to turn head to see his one eye:"There is a vacant room by the side of my bedroom and fill up!"This eye at the right moment chases cold sweat elder brother the lo is wearing, the words sound of hemp Fan just fall, he if the wild dog that took off Jiang generally ran of the big tongue keeps the madness of taking out the face to run away, also not knew that he listenned to clear have no.
The domestic animals of leaving are quiet if the seeing of cold cicada bothers an elder brother into inside closed door, without previous arrangement breathing a sigh of relief of as if relieved of a heavy burden, can this tone haven't loosenned out and bothered an elder brother suddenly and similar to ghost to sew from the door in explored a head, Sen cold Chou their one eye, then die and stare at cold sweat fierce elder brother Fei of first hit is after elder brother run away:"Our utility room has to eliminate of computer accessories,Beats by Dre Electroplating?"
"Good …seem to have!"Fierce elder brother Fei feels he or she be also getting wetter, can not control feelings of swallowed spittle.
"Ask Dong Ge!"The numb Fan finishes saying a closing of Mao door, hard Bang Bang heel stick a dry person waits immediately as being taken out an all of vertebrate bone soft come down, the logistic girl is also that"Ying Ning~" is a , the all over the face tide is red, whole body softly and hereafter on pouring, the Jue passed by.
Flank a job that got a fright to hurriedly hand her has fun, apprehensives the seeing of not certain door that an eye closes and cringes to lose a voice to call a way:"I depend!This is legendary'stare who who pregnant, lo who who high tide!'Of stared a gold to just necessarily kill a skill?"
After closing a door,beats by dre cheap, the numb Fan is quick of connect leap to take to flee before running to return four machine work station, swept an eye to just write of from save a proposal, chicken move of call way:"Secretary!Ask you matter, your conversion outside hangs a mold piece, must the brand-new computer of high allocation?"
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