Sunday, November 18, 2012

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Two kinds, then give me a little bit last and light soup, two bowls of rices."
"Good Lei!You slightly wait, please."The big row blocks an owner to threaten a , immediately Wu Kai's table.
In a short while the vegetables is carried to come up, greatly the row blocks owner after hasing the vegetables lined up, smile to say to Wu Kai:"Sir!You slowly use, please."Finish saying and then leave Wu Kai's table.
Because Wu Kai feels hungry, at the sight of table the rice fixed menu in restaurant for putting, immediately picked up chopsticks and eat, eat and eat, greatly the row blocks outside suddenly fight, Wu Kai raises head and looks, sees the three young men is chasing a young woman for at the center, also continuously make physical advances of, Wu Kai sees this circumstance, again swept surrounding one eye, see many people stand at surroundings watch, but have no a person up and give relief to a that girl, can not get use to Wu Kai of this affair, sit not to live any further, he chopsticks to once the table put and come out a big row and block and toward a few young men of in front and loudly yell to stop a way:"What are you dry?In broad daylight under unexpectedly dare to flirt a female kid, you not afraid police?"
"Hey drink!Come to a tube to be full carefree matter of, thinking the hero is beautiful is be not, the brotherses this elder brothers whole body shin uncomfortable, want to make several elder brothers send for him."The young man for taking the lead finishes saying and his partner rounded to come over to Wu Kai.
"Bang!"The boxing meat hands over the depressed voice of shot to ring out, is the young man of head in the time near Wu Kai, just wanted to begin, Wu Kai always leg, that became a flying of parabola sort to go out for the young man of the head the whole individual, after carry on the back hit for a while the big row blocked of table up, lifted the whole table to up turn over in the ground.
Three partners of young man see the bayonet that his/her own companion haven't begun and then be been up the spout by the other party, all take out in succession to along with take, complexion ferocious and matchless facing Wu Kai forces.
Wu Kai sees the other party take a weapon involved in murder, is one Zhan first in the heart, but he is very quick and then falls calm, don't know many different pair ofs in hand surgical operation knife when, cat wear waist, put a deliberately the appearance of due-out, until 3 people close to his front of, take while chopping down, the knife has been being placed in to attackstone status under of Wu Kai, accurately hold tight opportune moment, like prey for food of hunted leopard to suddenly move, the surgical operation knife in the hand like perform magic a sort one Shan but lead,beats by dre uk, then Be disappeared to invisible in the middle.
"When!"Spread three sounds in a row, three make knife fallening off on the ground at the same time, immediately after take the three young men of knife and grasp his/her own right hand with the left hand at the same time, the half kneels continuously groan on the ground, Wu Kai sees all don't see at present four young men,beats dr dre, re- walk to the big row and block and pay rice money, then walk to that young chemisette in front and asks a way:"Young lady!You are all right!Need me to help?"
If that girl hear Wu Kai, suddenly once the clothes tore and hold tight Wu Kai loudly of Rang way:"Played rascal, helped quickly!Rascal you release me quickly."
Wu Kai drive this suddenly of the mishap made all stuffily, he how also surprisingly he give up to save life of the woman will suddenly follow him such a, Wu Kai tries very hard to of push away a that girl, drink a way:"Young lady!Your stem what, release me quickly!"
"Is dry what!Took place here what affair?"A few good elephants to police are about good, the time in key walk into a crowd heap.
That girl sees the police come, loudly cry a way:"Mr. police!This person plays rascal to me and also give°ed my boyfriend and his companion to contuse."
If a few polices hear a girl, an among those from after death take out a handcuffs, the facial expression brutish side walks side to say:"Good boy!In broad daylight of dare to flirt a female kid,cheap dr dre beats, quick make a trip with us."Say and then ascend handcuffs toward Wu Kai's hand one Kao.
Wu Kai sees this circumstance at last understand the confidence trick in oneself, he looking at a few polices to walk to come forward what rubbish also not ask, wear handcuffs on his hand, also not ask, don't say as well, even connect front of of victimize a person don't call as well up, pull Wu Kai to walk toward police car.
Wu Kai what rubbish doesn't say as well, current of he has already completely understood this drama is is specialized to prepare for him, want more than a months of oneselfs didn't come back and plused before again nothing important friend, talk not last enemy house, so he wants to know exactly is who want to frame up him, hence he also not answer criticism, not flounder, quietly sit a police car.

A spool of the campus winds and clouds chapter 16 is definitely uncompromising
Renew time:2008-10-2817:11:45 chapter word numbers:2617

Wu Kai is grasped into after the police substation good elephant be neglected, a person alone drive close into detention the indoor, also the nobody lifts and reviews him, the good elephant can be neglected, Wu Kai sits at take into custody room that very hard stone Deng in, looking at overhead that very small prison bars, the in the mind has been wondering is who frame up himself/herself, and still use so vulgar slightly but again loophole 100 meanses make oneself and come in, present persons all knowing is someone to him at that time next, at this time his brains is continuously and turns and moves, wish next should finally think around to the way, he always cans not figures out any way and lightly sighs a way:"Forget it!Still walk the one step calculate one step!BE who want to frame up me, the nature will know when the time comes, is oneself why the need for unnecessary worry now!"Thought of my Wu Kai Ban lies on the stone chair and deeply slept past.
Don't once know how long, take into custody the iron gate of room"!"1 are opened, walk into two inside year polices from the outside, an among those Wu Kai who see lie on the stone chair, sneer way:"Hey drink!See to sleep still pretty safely of and got up!Someone wants to see you."
Wu Kai stood before the chair from the stone, with take into custody room and arrive at one to interrogate outside in the room door at after death coming out of two policeses, Wu Kai walks into interrogate room and see in sit two middle ages that wear slack suit, two polices send Wu Kai into interrogate room, turn round to come out to interrogate room.
Two middle ages see Wu Kai walk into interrogate room, one among the titles tooks a look Wu Kai Yi's eye and says:"Sit!"
Wu Kai the empty position before table did down, lifted up head to examine two at present middle ages and said:"You aren't polices!You thought that a means that is slightly so vulgar makes me to come in, should can't be see I have no a place to live and invite me to live to my noodles?You what is up say?"
"The seeing you small brothers you is an understand person, with understand person talk that to simplify matters many, is such, hear the affair that you are dismantled to the house of your house very of disaffection, and also threaten to tell us, small brothers!You are a clear eye person, a clear eye person and then should know his/her own circumstances as well as know our ability, so I advise you a , dismantled to move a contract label, then the stem what dry what go to."The one among the middle ages says and then takes out an in front that the contract puts at Wu Kai.
Wu Kai stretches hand to picked up once the contract see and see the number of top, re- put back contract table up, roar with laughter of say:"You all just say that I was also an intelligent person, now that knew that I am an intelligent person, should know me that value how much , according to compensating regulation I that house livelong area of more than 1,000 squares, according to indemnification be 5,000,000 many, but you now give I 900,000, you are to be my fool to still think that I like to humiliate."
"You are really an intelligent person, as the proverb says cleverness anti- drive intelligent mistake, understand the changes of the times as extraordinary talent, you should know your own current circumstances very much, today's affair doesn't greatly say greatly and say small not small, big!Can make you arrive in sit last several yearses, small!That is just a misunderstanding and wants ~only your label and contract, you can leave right away now."The middle age that talks in times before again makes reference to.
Wu Kai stares at two middle ages of in front, was full of sharp-edged air in eyes and shot into the heart of the other party to an arrows, Wu Kai roared with laughter of of the voice say:"Are you threatenning me now?Don't say the problem of money first, say true of money I basically don't put in the mind, I ignore your after death have what person, I want to tell your now be, this affair isn't so easy solution, you must be to think that I am an orphan, as long as I don't promise, your closing me is a person don't know, doesn't the ghost feel right?That you close me to try, I dare to promise that you will get an idea to think to be not Related articles:

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