Sunday, November 11, 2012

beats by dre solo nd also agree with o

?The gold content of noodles is very high here!"
The Cao Xian says with a smile:"Owner, you really became a lot of!"
The segment sea touches have no hair of the chin say:"Person, always changes of~"
At night boundary's deepest cave in, an old voice at get empty to concuss of ring out in the cave, a person who wears black cape stands on the edge position of ground cave, darkly of the green phosphorescent light gleam weak ray of light.Pull the entrance to cave person's figure very long.
:"You do a good job, this time if can release after imprisonment to return to here, your achievement is very greatly very big!The real night boundary can condescend to come back, you will definitely be very high to promote.You can trust of do, remember, steady live the kid of that east, his strength is still not enough strong, but can not despise east those magic weapons now.Do you know?"
The person who wears cape also uses a kind of strange voice to politely say:"Emissary adult, I know how to do.If can let the real night boundary condescend to come this world this time, we can re- take back to belong to our right, need not depended on a handful strength of the human life to do any further."
"Like, you leave."
"Yes adult, what do you still need?I can wear person to deliver for you."
That old voice says:"Need not, my strength hasn't resumed to come over.The whole etc. instaurations come over to say again."
The door of "Dang Dang Dang" segment sea room is had knocking of rhythm to ring, segment the sea is very reluctant from the leg of Cao Xian, ask a way:"Who?"
Outside in the door, the voice of cow head spread to come in:"Owner, Ting princess Ting says to occupy to seek you."
Segment the sea is wrinkly for a while eyebrows, not and pleasedly say:"The goblin for bringing calamity seeks me this time?She not is like to play everywhere?"
Say, the segment sea opened door.
After yesterday of that talks, cow head now start becoming polite again to the segment sea, and segment the sea also know, past of the day didn't reply to return, so don't also say what don't let of the words of the type.
The cow head politely says:"Owner, Ting princess Ting says that princess Ya Ru brought some things to let owner see."
Segment sea H'm 1, say:"Like, I knew.Hard you old cow.You tomorrow return to first, you before I return to can make how much do how much good."
The cow head point nods and says:"Good owner, I can return to preparation in the afternoon, the owner will have one large numbers of epigones of firmnesses after believing to return to."
Segment sea way:"You handle affairs, I trust.Go first to call a baby."
Cow head should 1, turned round to keep on walking.
The segment sea returns to room and says in good clothes:"Wife, Ya Ru brings some things to let me see.Do you guess to be the thing that we think?"
Cao Xian wanted to mean to say a way:"Not and greatly may, you also know that the baby is a what kind of kid, her idea is very pure, should can't have so many things.Ya Ru is very intelligent, but hasn't attained layer, knowledge have never studied this aspect, is not likely to guess.As for the Long Wang Ao large person of East China Sea, he may know, but he isn't here.So, should be other affairs."
If the segment sea listenned to Cao Xian and also agree with of order to say:"H'm, reasonable, that I see a baby exactly what affair become nervous so to seek me?Say according to the general circumstance, the baby doesn't ask for trouble to seek me on his/her own initiative."
Hear a segment sea say so, the Cao Xian suddenly fondles the appearance of Mei to say very much:"Is uncertain, hereafter probably baby will often seek you,beats by dre solo!"
Asking of segment sea oddness way:"Is strange, do you how can say so?You still have with baby what secret deceive me don't become?"
The Cao Xian Jiao says with smile:"How can?Say again to have a secret to is also the secret of girls, your a big man also want to know?"
Touch a nose, the segment sea says with a smile:"Say of is also, you also have their our own right of privacies, I stem so over sensitive?Walk, saw that bond maid to bring me what news."
After ten minutes, the segment sea tangle wore Cao Xian to arrive at a living room, segment sea what to live is a night now Wang Ha be deep in thought small villa to the independent type of the preparation, position the very quite good scenery is the best.
Inside in the living room, baby two calfs carry a sofa up, all not refined to look atly flap about at 1:00, on the without results small feet Ya still take faintly discernable of water fog.
Hear a step voice, the baby springs up and leaps to reach to leap to reach ground to run to the segment sea nearby, the title asks a way:"Owner, how do you just come?"
The segment sea touches baby meek hair, that hand feeling calls one good!Then say:"How baby, suddenly think of an owner?Remember to return to the creation method of university study atomic bomb?"
The baby very and not and pleasedly picks to put in the hand of he or she head and says:"Don't touch the somebody else's head, the president of association isn't high."
The segment sea apology smiled for a while:", Also have this to say?Like, the owner didn't touch a head."
The baby turns a face to say to the Cao Xian:"Xian son elder sister, you seem to compare a lot of beautiful yesterday."
Cao Xian Xin knows the belly clear baby's topic, after all that beauty image that is mature just saw a day ago, and the baby at the moment could say to dress up as the appearance that the pig eats tiger, how can the Cao Xian not know?She says with a smile:"Which have?Our baby be a wait one big beauty, will waiting you to grow up an owner to see your affirmation flow nosebleed."
The baby humed for a while, using the voice that kid's sound hums out was very good to listen:"Owner, the baby grows up to really need to marry to you, you can forbid to flow nosebleed, will throw knowing of baby's face very much?"
The segment sea smiles to scold a way:"Impish head ordered so son age to start to think indiscriminately?Say and seek an owner to come over be for saying this?"
The baby shakes, two horsetails expect of the small plait behind float in the head ah float:"Is not that I seek an owner, is Ya Ru's elder sister to say to seek an owner, but that cow doesn't let to come in.Have to me to come to Luo!"
Segment the sea in the mind is dark the head sighing a cow's returning is to the utmost really a job and change to do a day ago, the cow head absolutely couldn't block the Xiao friendship such as of.
"That baby makes your graceful Ru elder sister come over here."
The baby smilingly says:"Owner, the Ya Ru elder sister is here!"
"Boon?Over there?"Because the segment sea displays the magical power of gold fairy real strenght and forbid the whole room to make at in, so have never released fairy to know to feel room an inside.
Launch fairy to know immediately strength of feeling that pure narcissus, energy inside the body lightly on concussing, Xiao friendship such as of the body form come out from the invisible status display.
The segment sea says with smile:"Ya Ru how comes to still use this method here?"
The Cao Xian also makes reference to:"BE ah, what method is the what you used of younger sister Ya Ru ?Incredibly even I could not feel your existence."
The Xiao friendship,such as Wen Ya, smiled to smile and saluted to say:"Segment adult, princess' his highness, this is Long Wang's adult to let me to the once testing of the you two.It is very sorry to do like this."
The segment sea puts a hand and says:"Nothing important, you after all now from belong to Long Gong Yi's vein.The reason that so does to definitely have you, this I still keep believing yours.Can now say what you seek me to do?, Sit, talking sitting downing how we say to is all friend be not?"
Since these days, Xiao friendship such as also thought a lot.Oneself probably would not like to admit, but have to admit the ambiguous heart of oneself to the segment sea the extension comes over from the boon helped.For studied a way method, know God's way of she to say, this kind of idea is most extremely bad, not only and easily hurt oneself, can even hurt others.
With, these days of days that leave sea, Xiao friendship such as another forgings a mind, thoughting of of firmness or make it well from the friend.That kind of little daughter's image of the previous infirmity is basically unsuitable for himself/herself, Related articles:

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